PURE Jingles - Dutch regional radio with new audio branding
Dutch regional radio with new audio branding

The regional broadcaster for North Holland, NH, has a new brand sound to add luster to their updated programming.

A clear desire from NH was a friendly, soft and calm approach that appeals to the older target group. That sound and feel can be heard in the jingles, but also in the news package. Central to the jingle package is NH's slogan, 'Thuis in heel Noord-Holland' ('At home in all of North Holland').

In addition to imaging for news, weather, traffic and sports, IDs and jingles were created. From a top of the hour and bottom of the hour to many jingles for between the music. Covering various genres and suitable for transitions, such as from slow to fast tempo.

So-called breakbusters have also been made as a part of this package. Designed to hold the listener's attention during commercial breaks, allowing the station voice to 'tease' content coming up after the break. NH's audio design package has been further expanded with Christmas versions of the jingles - produced in the summer!


Available in JingleBox as a customized re-sing

Select from our catalogue all jingles you love, and have them adjusted to the pulse of your station. Giving you freedom to design your sound, for a very affordable production fee, JingleBox is a customized resing. Branded with any sonic logo, even your current heritage logo!
Arctic Airwaves
Originally created for NH
Add to Jinglebox
Beverly Hilversum
Originally created for NH
Dazzling Dreams
Originally created for NH
Fresh Frequenties
Originally created for NH
Home Sweet Home
Originally created for NH
Joyful Journey
Originally created for NH
Pure Enjoyment
Originally created for NH
Stellar Start
Originally created for NH
Vibe Tribe
Originally created for NH
Winner Takes It All
Originally created for NH
Northern News - News - Starter
Originally created for NH
Northern News - Bed
Originally created for NH
Northern News - Weather
Originally created for NH
Northern News - Traffic
Originally created for NH
Northern News - Sports
Originally created for NH

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NRJ opens the new radio season with another batch of custom-made jingles, up to date with the current music cycle.