PURE Jingles - Trendsetting imaging for Alternative radio
Trendsetting imaging for Alternative radio

Studio Brussel has just marked 40 years on air! And the Flemish station has more exciting news: a fresh brand sound. This new package flawlessly accompanies the station's dynamic music universe, with a focus on alternative new songs and indie pop classics.

"For radio hosts, radio imaging is a fantastic tool for storytelling, creating tempo, and, above all, allowing artists to shine even more. Studio Brussel is the music station of Flanders. Our new sound design enables us to highlight our playlist even better.

The collaboration with PURE Jingles went very smoothly. It's always great to talk to creatives who speak the language of radio and understand what radio people need. It was also good to see how quickly we went from a written briefing to a first concept. And that draft felt just right from the start. PURE Jingles understands exactly what we need." According to station manager Steven Lemmens.

9 Custom-made jingles, a custom-made news imaging package and 34 custom-made power intros

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Originally created for Studio Brussel
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Originally created for Studio Brussel
Originally created for Studio Brussel
Falcon 9
Originally created for Studio Brussel
Originally created for Studio Brussel
Originally created for Studio Brussel
Originally created for Studio Brussel
Originally created for Studio Brussel
Originally created for Studio Brussel
Originally created for Studio Brussel

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