PURE Jingles - TIPIK Updates Brand Sound With 4 New Jingle Packages
TIPIK Updates Brand Sound With 4 New Jingle Packages

RTBF’s multimedia channel for young audiences, TIPIK, presents a fresh brand sound with the launch of 7 custom-made jingles. These reflect the station’s diverse playlist, featuring hits from the 2000s to today’s biggest tracks. The updated audio branding spans a wide range of genres, including Pop, Rock, Dance, and R&B.

In addition to the main station’s rebranding, TIPIK has introduced three new online channels - Lazy, Party, and Rock. These have received 3 additional packages, selected from the PURE JingleBox. This customizable catalogue allowed each channel to tailor its audio identity to suit its specific vibe, whether laid-back, energetic, or bold.

7 Custom-made jingles and 3 re-sing packages of 6 jingles per station

Disponibile in Jingle Box come re-sing personalizzato

Seleziona dal nostro catalogo tutti i jingle che ami e fallo adattare al polso della tua stazione. Dandoti la libertà di progettare il tuo suono, a un costo di produzione molto conveniente, JingleBox è una resina personalizzata. Marchiato con qualsiasi logo sonoro, anche il tuo logo storico attuale!
Already Unsteady
Originally created for TIPIK
Add to Jinglebox
Curious Endeavor
Originally created for TIPIK
Groovy Goofy
Originally created for TIPIK
Rose & Co
Originally created for TIPIK
Originally created for TIPIK
The You
Originally created for TIPIK
Unable Eyes
Originally created for TIPIK

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The goal was to create jingles that seamlessly integrate with the music flow, sharing the same production style as the high-rotation songs on the playlist.