PURE Jingles - RTL2

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Wähle aus unserem Katalog alle Jingles, die Du liebst. JingleBox gibt Dir ein komplett eigenes Markendesign zu einem sehr erschwinglichen Preis. Ein maßgeschneidertes Jingle-Paket, versehen mit Deinem Sound-Logo und Deinem gesungenen Namen und Claim.
Bossy Beauty
Originally created for RTL 2
Add to Jinglebox
Chromatic Crave
Originally created for RTL 2
Custom Love
Originally created for RTL 2
Fallen Pair
Originally created for RTL 2
Full Section
Originally created for RTL 2
Geode Genesis
Originally created for RTL 2
Hasty Hazards
Originally created for RTL 2
Loving A-Minor
Originally created for RTL 2
Mango Master
Originally created for RTL 2
One Love Down
Originally created for RTL 2
Purple Potion
Originally created for RTL 2
Rob The Nice
Originally created for RTL 2
Seventh Strummer
Originally created for RTL 2
Splash Anthem
Originally created for RTL 2
Tailor Talk
Originally created for RTL 2
Tardy Dropout
Originally created for RTL 2

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