PURE Jingles - How to grow your station without staff and budget?

grow your station
without staff and budget

Leading a local radiostation is harder than ever. Especially if you don’t have enough budget, not enough people to fill the time-slots and an audience that’s looking at their phone all day long.

At PURE Jingles we found solutions to these problems by asking radio-professionals all over the world. And we offer you these solutions at the free Grow Your Station Webinar.

In 30 minutes you’ll learn:
How to increase the brand awareness of your station without spending money
How to continue your programming when you’re understaffed
How to set your station apart from other media and radiostations

Join this free webinar

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Why we do it

Many of us, since childhood, are captivated by the magic of radio. The energy transmitted through the ether; the goosebump felt from a great jingle! Yes, we're really a bunch of true radio fanatics. Looking for the best in ourselves, and in each other.

Living our passion every day is what we see as PURE bliss! We create for creators like you. Experimentally, individually, lovingly... always reaching for the next level. A meaningful exchange with inspiring people such as you is what we enjoy.