PURE Jingles - StuBru

Congrats are in place for Studio Brussel, better known as 'StuBru'. Around the day we've released this jingle package, the station had increased its market share to an impressive percentage of 11.5, reaching number 1 in 18-44. We're happy to be part of their story, of which this right here is a brand new chapter!

Progressive CHR / Belgium

متوفرة في صندوق الاغاني كإعادة ضبط مخصصة

اختر من الكتالوج كل الاناشيد التي تحبها ، واضبطها على نبض محطتك. يمنحك صندوق الاغاني الحرية في تصميم الصوت الخاص بك ، مقابل رسوم إنتاج معقولة جدًا ، وهو عبارة عن إعادة ضبط مخصصة. تحمل أي شعار صوتي ، حتى شعارك التراثى الحالي!
Acid Stag
Originally created for Studio Brussel
Add to Jinglebox
Catch Of The Day
Originally created for Studio Brussel
Dr. Marshall
Originally created for Studio Brussel
Early Waves
Originally created for Studio Brussel
Hot Grind
Originally created for Studio Brussel
Liquid Saphire
Originally created for Studio Brussel
Phase Lift
Originally created for Studio Brussel
Ultra Grind
Originally created for Studio Brussel

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